We protect tenants!

100 Jahre DMB
© Mieterbund Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahr e.V.

The German Tenants' Association (DMB) is the only organisation that comprehensively represents your interests as a tenant throughout Germany. The Mieterbund Bonn/Rhein-Sieg/Ahr e.V. is one of the largest organisations in the region. We advocate for tenants both socially and politically and also in conflicts with your landlord. And we have been doing this for over 100 years. Whether it's a service charge bill or (personal use) termination, mould in the flat or other defects: as a member, you will quickly receive competent legal advice and enjoy legal protection even in legal disputes

So become a member now - and benefit from the comprehensive protection we offer you.


Counselling is only offered in German.